The Tax On Waffles, Chips And Soda Will Be Up To 10 Percent

Video: The Tax On Waffles, Chips And Soda Will Be Up To 10 Percent

Video: The Tax On Waffles, Chips And Soda Will Be Up To 10 Percent
Video: MAEDAC CHIPS REVIEW | EPISODE - 1 2024, December
The Tax On Waffles, Chips And Soda Will Be Up To 10 Percent
The Tax On Waffles, Chips And Soda Will Be Up To 10 Percent

The tax that will be imposed on companies producing waffles, chips and energy drinks will not be higher than 10%. This tax for the so-called harmful foods will be officially presented by the Ministry of Health next month - September, when there will be a discussion on the topic.

The main idea of this tax is to tax all kinds of unhealthy delicacies and carbonated drinks that are consumed. The project is being discussed by a group of experts who are making the necessary updates and changes to accept the proposal in September.

The main idea for the tax was to be between 3 and 10 percent of the price of the specific product. It is assumed that in the end its size will be decided depending on the health risk of the product.

Which foods will be covered by the new tax? It is envisaged that these will be four groups:

- Food products that have a high content of sugar and salt (chips, chocolate treats, etc.);

- Products that contain trans fats;

- Soft drinks;

- Energy drinks.


Calculations show that this law and the introduction of the tax will bring the health sector about BGN 150 million a year. A few months ago, the Ministry of Health explained that all companies that offer the so-called. harmful products must start paying an extraordinary tax. The reason is that their products are harmful to human health.

If excessive amounts of salt are consumed, a person can get many diseases, including obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc.

As expected, the idea of the new tax met with the disapproval of business, with the Institute for Market Economics even commenting that the adoption of the tax will bring more problems than benefits.

Experts believe that there is no reason for this tax to be introduced in Bulgaria, as their comments are based on the experience of other countries. Economists have conducted their own analysis, which clearly shows that such a tax will in no way help in the fight against obesity.
