Over 50 Percent Of Bulgarians Support A Tax On Harmful Foods

Over 50 Percent Of Bulgarians Support A Tax On Harmful Foods
Over 50 Percent Of Bulgarians Support A Tax On Harmful Foods

As many as 53 percent of Bulgarians support the introduction of tax on harmful foods, proposed by Health Minister Petar Moskov. However, 45 percent of our people admit that they do not check the content of the food they buy.

This is shown by the data of Alpha Research, which conducted a survey among 1,100 Bulgarians, Dnevnik reports.

The results of the study show that people in our country do not know the specific content of the food and beverages they consume.

The poll reports that 53% of Bulgarians read food labels, but 25% of them started paying attention to this information only in the last month after the wide debate on harmful foods.

45% of our compatriots, on the other hand, say they have never read the food information on the label.

Every second Bulgarian shares that he eats products with a high content of sugar and salt. 43% of respondents have no idea which products are high in caffeine, taurine and hydrogenated vegetable fats.


Only 10% of respondents consider themselves informed about the ingredients contained in our foods. 26% have not heard of the harmful ingredients, and 49% know only some of them.

The support for the tax on harmful foods is equally strong both among the people with high material status and among those with lower incomes, who are defined as the most victims of harmful foods in our country.

The opinion of the Bulgarians is that if the goods risky for health become more expensive, this will have only a positive effect on our menu. The biggest worries are for children who regularly eat foods high in salt and sugar.

The measure proposed by Peter Moskov will be a sure way to limit the harmful ingredients in the diet of children who are at the forefront of obesity in Europe.
