Fast Diet For Tight Ass And Thighs

Fast Diet For Tight Ass And Thighs
Fast Diet For Tight Ass And Thighs

Do you want your thighs and butt to get tighter in just two weeks? This is easily done with a special diet. It is designed for ladies, whose feature is that fat accumulates mostly in the waist and hips.

But men can also benefit from this diet, especially if they are beer lovers and as a reward for their devotion to the amber drink they have got huge shapeless bellies.

In the first week we will focus on the thighs, and the goal is to make them more flexible and graceful. Forget about alcohol, coffee and fatty foods.

Switch to fruit, watermelon is especially useful because it removes excess fluid from the body. Eat half a watermelon or melon every day and add 3 snacks to it, which will actually be your menu for the day.

One of them is 150 g of grilled fish, 1 boiled potato, a large portion of fresh vegetable salad of your choice. The second is 2 well-baked steaks with tomatoes for garnish and 2 tablespoons of stewed corn.

The third is a tea cup of unsweetened yogurt and 50 g of oatmeal. In the second week we focus on the butt, which should be close to ideal.

Try to reduce portions and eat at a certain time. Drink 8 glasses of water, tea - unsweetened. Eat five times a day.

Fast diet for tight ass and thighs
Fast diet for tight ass and thighs

Combine the following dishes during the day:

1 soft-boiled egg with a toasted slice of wholemeal bread, 1 tomato

1 plate vegetable soup, 2 crackers, 100 g cheese

150 g skinless roast chicken, large portion of vegetable salad of choice, small wholemeal bun

200 g of fruit of your choice

175 g boiled potatoes without butter, a large portion of vegetable salad, 2 tablespoons cooked beans
