On Guacamoleto Day, Eat A Delicious Mexican Dip

On Guacamoleto Day, Eat A Delicious Mexican Dip
On Guacamoleto Day, Eat A Delicious Mexican Dip

Although not of particular poetic origin, September 16 is Guacamoleto Day and is a great occasion to indulge in a bowl of this extremely useful and healthy appetizer.

Mexican snack Guacamole is made from the pureed inside of an avocado, giving it a nutrient-dense density enriched with healthy fats that help lower cholesterol and help prolong your life.

There is no special reason, except that it is just tasty and pleasant, so celebrate Guacamole Day, take ready-made from the store or even better - buy an avocado and make a snack at home, using your favorite recipe for Guacamole.

Blend the avocado, season with salt, a little olive oil and you're done! Of course, you can add your taste and style to it - with a boiled egg, lime or lemon, maybe a tomato, garlic, red pepper or onion to expand the palette, chili peppers, coriander, other spices - the choice is yours!

But don't think that you have to pay special attention to the Mexican dip and terribly tasty snack only in Guacamole Day!! The sauce is an extremely useful and wholesome food all year round, and now there is an additional special reason to enjoy it.
