Menudo - Mexican Tripe Soup

Menudo - Mexican Tripe Soup
Menudo - Mexican Tripe Soup

Mexican cuisine is one of the most famous in the world. It is the descendant of the Aztecs, of whom even today many culinary traditions remain.

What has changed radically is the more frequent use of meat in the diet of local people, who before the arrival of the Spaniards ate mainly corn, beans, hot peppers, avocados, pumpkins and more.

Today, there is hardly a chef who has not heard of Mexican specialties such as burritos, guacamole, quesadillas and others. Beef dishes, which are prepared using old Mexican technology, are especially popular.

This includes soup menudo, known in our country as the belly soup of Mexico. You don't have to go to this distant country to try an authentic menu.

This Mexican soup is not difficult to make and does not require exotic products and spices. All it takes is a little more patience.

Here's how you can make your own menu:

Ingredients: 800 g beef belly, 500 g boneless beef shank, 1 onion, 7 cloves garlic, 5 small dried hot peppers, 1 tbsp dried oregano, 1 1/2 lime, a pinch of freshly ground cumin, salt to taste, fresh oregano for decoration.

Tripe soup
Tripe soup

Method of preparation: 1 lime is squeezed and its juice is poured over the belly. It stays like this for about 40-50 minutes, after which it is washed well with cold water.

Cut and simmer in a suitable pan for about 15 minutes. After the required time has elapsed, the liquid is filtered and the stomach is placed in another vessel.

Add the chopped shank, 4 cloves of garlic, chopped onion and dried oregano. Everything is boiled for about 4 hours.

Pre-soaked in hot water dry peppers are peeled and mixed with finely chopped garlic, cumin and a little broth, then puree everything.

The meat broth is filtered again, returned to the dish and the puree is added to the meat and other products. Leave on low heat for about 30 minutes and garnish the prepared menudo together with the fresh oregano, and serve a few slices of lime and, if desired, finely chopped onion on the side.
