Feeling Tired? A Salad And You Will Be Like New

Feeling Tired? A Salad And You Will Be Like New
Feeling Tired? A Salad And You Will Be Like New

Fresh salads and lettuce, in addition to their culinary value, have a number of other useful qualities. They help to overcome stress and fatigue. They contain various mineral salts, vitamins, trace elements, easily digestible cellulose and specific biologically active substances.

These vegetables are a worthy substitute for dock, spinach, sorrel in diets. In terms of taste and biological values, the plants grown in natural conditions are many times higher than those grown in greenhouses. The content of carotene in the outer dark green leaves is 30 times more than in the inner pale green leaves, and the amount of vitamin C is 3 times more.


Fresh green vegetables increase the secretion of gastric and bile juices, increase the secretion of enzymes that aid digestion. Increase intestinal peristalsis. Their fresh taste excites the appetite.

In people with low stomach acidity and suffering from constipation, lettuce and salads should be present daily at the table. Iron and folic acid help with anemia and are especially helpful for pregnant women. They are an excellent means of preventing sclerosis and thyroid dysfunction due to their high iodine content.

The presence of zinc is important for the proper functioning of the pancreas. Vitamin C is not as high, but eating fresh lettuce and salads strengthens the body's defenses and protects against infections.


It is necessary for them to be thoroughly washed with water during their preparation. It is also important that they do not stay, because this leads to the destruction of Vitamin C and the deterioration of taste.

In people with gastrointestinal problems, the leaves of vegetables can be steamed and used to prepare various soups, purees, fillings, sarma. But already subjected to heat treatment, they lose much of their nutrients.
