Salad Mustard - The New Salad You Should Try

Salad Mustard - The New Salad You Should Try
Salad Mustard - The New Salad You Should Try

Spicy food lovers usually use mustard or chili to make their salads more to their liking. Lettuce mustard is a plant of the Cabbage family, which is often called lettuce mustard.

Its taste is strong and spicy, so not only does it taste perfect on salads, but it also increases appetite. It is rich in vitamins and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Precisely for the reasons mentioned above, more and more people prefer it as a taste to the usual green salads we are all used to. Salad mustard is many times more interesting in taste than other salad vegetables, and it turns out to be relatively easy to grow.

It is usually sown in spring or autumn, because the seeds need 1-3 degrees to germinate, and its development is best when temperatures reach the range of 18-20 degrees. It is not pretentious and grows equally well in the field and in coexistence with other vegetables.

Its only requirement is to water frequently and fertilize with organic fertilizers. The seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm at a distance of 5-7 cm between them and about 30 cm between rows.

Salad mustard
Salad mustard

When flowering stems begin to form and the leaves have reached 25 cm, you can safely pick them.

In addition to your salad you can also use the leaves of Salad mustard in your soup or add them to various pickles.

However, it's a good idea to try it before you get serious about growing it to make sure it doesn't taste too sharp for your stomach.
