A Few Tricks On How To Chop Onions Finely

A Few Tricks On How To Chop Onions Finely
A Few Tricks On How To Chop Onions Finely

It is a well-known fact for most housewives that cutting onions is one of the most unpleasant activities in the preparation of various dishes. At the same time, onions are put on almost everything and should usually be as finely chopped as possible. This is associated with watery eyes from the spiciness it has, and is especially unpleasant if the hostess is wearing makeup.

Makeup just smudges and needs to be renewed. But the unpleasant sensation and burning in the eyes can occur to those ladies who do not wear makeup, and this fact is the reason why chopping onions is so annoying.

Here are some tips on how to both do your job accurately and be able to greet your guests or loved ones without having smudged makeup or a dejected face:

1. Before chopping or chopping the onion, let it stand peeled and cut into 2 parts in cold water for about half to an hour. Another option is to put it peeled in the fridge for a while. Thus much of its spiciness will evaporate;

2. To cut onions into small pieces, it is best to buy specialized presses for manual chopping of onions. They are sold in all major stores, are not expensive and save a lot of time and effort. In addition, they are made so that the eyes are not irritated during chopping;


3. There are also electric onion presses, which are even more convenient, but a little more expensive. It is good to consider how often you have to cut onions in bulk, and not then wonder where to store another appliance;

4. If you do not have enough funds, you can chop the onion by passing it through a simple grater, but then you must have taken care to remove its hotness.

5. If you do not have a grater, you should approach the standard way with a knife in hand and a cutting board. Cut the onion into two parts and each half into cubes. It is very important not to cut the mustache of the vegetable in advance, because this will activate the hot fumes. All this must be done with a sharp knife and quite quickly (again because of watery eyes).

A little trick against onion peeling is to keep a glass of cold water under your face while chopping.

After the onion is cut into cubes, with one hand hold the tip of the knife close to the cutting board so that it does not move, and with the hand with which you grabbed the knife, describe sharp arcuate movements on the pile of onions. This makes it easy to chop and can be used for any dish you want.

And once you have managed to quickly and successfully cut onions without costing you rivers of tears, you can start cooking a delicious recipe such as: Onion soup, Onion and olive pie, Cottage cheese with fresh onions in the oven, Pies with onions, Potato muffins with onions.
