How To Improve The Taste Of Brandy?

How To Improve The Taste Of Brandy?
How To Improve The Taste Of Brandy?

There is no tastier food than home-cooked! It's the same with aperitifs. Rakidzhii usually stick to their own harvest and do not recognize kupeshka. However, they are increasingly using fragrant colored plant substances that to improve the taste of brandy.

Most often by infusing with distilled herbs, the masters of homemade brandy improve its appearance and taste. The resulting concentrated solution contains saturated substances and essential oils that give the desired aroma.

Here are some ideas how to improve the taste of homemade brandy:

1. In 10 liters of brandy add 500 g of mixed oshav. If there are stone fruits in it, you must remove them before using it. Then you put the oshava in the brandy and let it sit for at least 10 days. When you are ready, strain the drink through a strainer with kitchen paper and pour it into the bottles that have been prepared. It is best to pour the finished brandy into a well-soured oak barrel. It gives a specific color and aroma to the drink.

2. Again in 10 liters of brandy add 500 g of boneless dates. After removing the stones, cut the dates in halves and add them to the brandy. Let it absorb the color and aroma of the fruit for at least 10 days. On the 11th you will already notice that both the color and the aroma have changed significantly.

3. To achieve a brownish color of brandy you can use caramel. Some brandy makers put a mulberry stick for a nice dark yellow color.

Improve the taste of brandy with orange peel
Improve the taste of brandy with orange peel

4. The golden-orange color is also very desired by the masters and consumers of brandy. It is achieved with peels of unripe oranges.

5. For to improve the taste of brandy you can make syrup at home. Add 1 kg of sugar in 1 liter of water and heat it. When heating, remove the foam that has formed. Cool and allow to stand for 2 weeks to settle.

You can also use honey if you wish. Once the syrup is ready, add it to the brandy along with a few tablets of activated charcoal and stir to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Wait 2 hours at room temperature, then separate the clear part and strain it through cheesecloth.

Pour the sweetened liquid into bottles and store it for at least 3 days at 3 degrees Celsius. After the allotted time, the brandy acquires a pleasant taste, and the spirit of alcohol magically disappears.
