Cherries Improve Digestion

Cherries Improve Digestion
Cherries Improve Digestion

The rich chemical composition of cherries has an extremely beneficial effect on our health. The fruits of the fruit tree are recommended mainly for enhancing the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines. As a result, digestion is facilitated.

Cherries are rich in minerals. Potassium salts predominate. The content of phosphorus is also high, the amount of which is higher only in peaches.

Cherries should be on the menu of people with problems with obesity, diabetes and more. They have a calming effect on the stomach and intestines.

Studies show that these sweet fruits have an antiseptic effect or in other words successfully kill bacteria.

In the body, they are converted into alkalizing substances that maintain the acid-base balance. Cherries have a diuretic effect, ie remove excess fluid from the body. Recommended for people prone to fluid retention.

The composition of the cherries includes the so-called. tannins. Thanks to them, the intestinal mucosa is protected from inflammation.

Cherries are also good for the kidneys. They contain a large amount of potassium. By alkalizing it in the urine, the mineral has a beneficial effect in the presence of stones and sand in the kidneys, in inflammation of the urinary tract.

Cherry jam
Cherry jam

Last but not least, cherries, consumed in large quantities, tend to maintain quality energy and performance.

Do not neglect the more sour cherries. Their higher acidity turns out to be a positive quality, especially when accompanied by a relative sugar content.

We offer you a recipe for cherry jam, which is also good for your health and with which you will be able to "sweeten" even on cold days.

The fruits (about 1-2 kg) are washed and cleaned of stalks and stones.

Prepare sugar syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 300 ml of water. To the hot water add the fruit and 3-4 g of pectin, pre-mixed with a little sugar and dissolved in water. Boil over medium heat.

About 3-4 minutes before the end of cooking, 2-3 g of tartaric acid is added to the jam. Pour the jam into jars while still hot.
