Useful Properties Of Double Fermented Beer

Useful Properties Of Double Fermented Beer
Useful Properties Of Double Fermented Beer

Double fermented beer carries a lot health benefits, scientists say - starting from preventing obesity and improving sleep.

To reach this conclusion, experts have studied beer that has undergone double fermentationwhich has shown some differences from traditional beer. These are the Belgian beer brands Hugarden and Westmale Triple.

Which beer do we call double fermented and what are its specifics?

Double fermented beer goes through the fermentation process twice - once in the brewery itself and once more in the bottle. The process of second fermentation increases the alcohol content and changes the very taste of the drink. It becomes stronger and drier.

In double fermented beer the second fermentation is prepared by adding yeast cultures to the finished beer poured into the container for sale. Yeast is not the same as that used for beer, which is traditional. The newly obtained drink is stronger, but also much more useful.

Useful properties of double fermented beer have been proven after research. Researchers in Nebraska have found that a bottle of double-fermented beer contains millions of probiotic bacteria. These are the good bacteria that, when ingested, eliminate their rivals, the bad bacteria that cause various diseases.

Fermentation of beer
Fermentation of beer

The recipe for the production of beer for double fermentation is very old. Obtaining a home analogue of this species is very difficult. The preparation includes grains of sprouted wheat, malt and oats. The hops in beer not only enrich the taste, but also reduce the damage to the liver by alcohol degrees.

Hops act on free radicals that damage liver cells by destroying them. Therefore, drinking beer does not result in fatty liver, which is observed with the consumption of other alcoholic beverages. Drinking one or two beers also protects against heart disease because it maintains good cholesterol levels.

All useful properties of double fermented beer refer to the limited quantities of this drink. Excessive use of it is as harmful as any alcohol. For a useful dose, 2 beers per day are indicated for men and one for women.
