Chia - The Superfood Of The Aztecs

Chia - The Superfood Of The Aztecs
Chia - The Superfood Of The Aztecs

The Mayan word for power is "chia." It is called an ancient culture, whose grains give a strong energy charge.

Chia or whose is considered the food of the future. This is the common name of two species of sage that are grown as wild crops. They are small and hard seeds, the fruit of a plant that is very similar to sage. They are extremely small.

In ancient times, messengers and ambassadors of the tribes always carried a small bag of these seeds with them to give them new strength. Chia is also known as "Indian running food", again because of the energy it charges the body.

These tiny seeds were a very important source of strength for many ancient cultures, such as the Maya, Incas, Aztecs and others. They were so valuable that they were used as a bargaining chip.

Chia seeds contain extremely useful vitamins and minerals, such as protein, calcium, potassium, iron, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and phosphorus. Their levels are many times higher than in any other food.

Chia seeds
Chia seeds

It is interesting to note that one tablespoon of chia seeds contains 5 grams of fiber, 3 grams of protein, 2282 milligrams of Omega-3 and 752 milligrams of Omega-6 fatty acids.

Their consumption has a number of beneficial effects. They support the detoxification of the body, increase the resistance of the whole organism, stimulate and at the same time improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and control constipation. Another advantage of chia seeds is that they do not contain gluten.

They have the ability to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system. Their low caloric content helps reduce weight. This is due to the significant concentration of fiber, combined with the unique ability of the seeds to absorb 10 times their weight in water. This also makes them an excellent tool for maintaining a regular stomach.

They have a beneficial effect on mental development, improve memory, reduce the manifestations of depression. And last but not least, these small seeds help slow down the absorption of glucose by controlling blood sugar levels.
