History Of Chocolate Written By The Aztecs

History Of Chocolate Written By The Aztecs
History Of Chocolate Written By The Aztecs

When it comes to Mexican cuisine, everyone imagines the delicious corn cakes known as tortillas, fragrant Mexican beans, various types of chili peppers and even insects, which are still consumed by Mexicans today.

Little is known, however, that the homeland of cocoa is also Mexico and that it was discovered by the Maya and Aztecs. There, in addition to preparing various desserts, it is also used for countless drinks, the most famous of which is melted chocolate with foam.

The wild cocoa tree was known to the Maya and Aztecs, who used it as a means of payment. Translated, its name means Dish of the Gods, because the energy with which it bestows its admirers has been known since the 4th century BC. At that time it was consumed only in the form of a drink mixed with water and chili peppers, and barely in 1874 it was presented to the world in the form of chocolate bars, but by a British company.

So it can cocoa to be extracted in the form in which it is to be consumed, the pods of any tree must first be scraped, the inside fermented, then purified, and finally dried.

But this is not the end. Then remove the shells, remove the grains and grind them. They are then pressed so that the cocoa butter can be separated from the cocoa mass.

Hot chocolate
Hot chocolate

It is hard to imagine how such a complex process was known to the Maya and Aztecs, but it is a fact that they enjoyed aromatic cocoa drinks long before Europeans. The latter even initially found cocoa drinks disgusting, as the Aztecs preferred to consume very bitter chocolate - without the addition of sweeteners.

Today in Mexico the chocolate remains very valuable. Every self-respecting Mexican housewife should know how to prepare delicious drinking chocolate for her relatives or guests. For this purpose, there is a special container for making chocolate, which is equipped with a grinder so that the drink can get a thick foam on its surface.

Traditional Mexican chocolate is prepared by melting 4 bars of chocolate in 6 hours of fresh milk, stirring constantly. Since you are unlikely to have Mexican appliances, you can use a simple stirrer to make cream and to be able to feel the sweet side of the otherwise fiery spicy Mexican menu.
