Fans Of The Seeds Were Hidden Lemons

Fans Of The Seeds Were Hidden Lemons
Fans Of The Seeds Were Hidden Lemons

Psychologists claim that fans of pumpkin and sunflower seeds have an inconsistent and even dangerous to others. According to leading experts, affinity for seeds often hides nervousness and a tendency to violence.

In the science that studies the depths of the human subconscious, there is a whole branch that studies and studies the relationship of man's attitude to food and the peculiarities of his inner world.

Scientists who have dedicated their work to this area of psychology believe that what we eat can tell what a person is hiding in his subconscious and how this reflects on relationships with the world around us.

A recent study by experts looking for a link between eating habits and behavior shows that passionate seed lovers are restless in nature.

They hide their true selves, while at the same time accumulating malice and aggression towards everyone around them, even members of their own families.

Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds

They do not express their feelings out loud and the seeds are a kind of vent for them. To those around them, they are nice and even good, but inside they are filled with anger.

These heavy qualifications apply to people who can't even eat a day without seeds, not to those who like to try delicious nuts from time to time.

The mechanism for seed lovers is as follows - What do we do with the seeds? We bite, setting the teeth to work. No one swallows the seeds, grinds them with a mixer.

For these people, psychologists believe that the essence of eating seeds is that they are crushed, crushed, crushed, which from the point of view of the psyche is an expression of the aggression that so conscientiously accumulate in themselves seed lovers.

Seeds for this type of people are a kind of means of suppressing room malice and a way not to explode and hurt others. However, experts note that sooner or later, if you do not seek qualified help, it will happen, regardless of the amount of nuts eaten.
