Diacetyl - The Silent Enemy Hidden In Our Favorite Foods

Diacetyl - The Silent Enemy Hidden In Our Favorite Foods
Diacetyl - The Silent Enemy Hidden In Our Favorite Foods

Diacetyl is an organic ingredient that is a product of fermentation. It occurs naturally in some plant foods and dairy products, but can also be obtained synthetically. It has a rich oily aroma and this is why it is placed in many foods that you will find on the market.

In fact, synthetic diacetyl can be present in almost any product you buy from the store for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The substance is used to improve the smell or taste of a large number of products, including glazes, gelatin, cottage cheese, cream, butter, margarine, popcorn, chips, snacks, sauces, biscuits, pasta, shakes and more.

It is one of the additives that are present in popcorn for the microwave. It has also been found in e-cigarette liquids.

Although diacetyl is widely used in the food industry, many researchers find it extremely harmful. It is believed that when taken in large quantities and regularly, it can damage the brain and contribute to diseases such as Alzheimer's, as well as severe respiratory problems.

Today, although some food manufacturers are trying to remove it from their products, it is still present in many other products, and its name may not even be written on the label.

It is possible that its presence in a given product is implied only as an artificial flavoring. Therefore, nutritionists advise us to give up these products or at least avoid them.
