How To Know When The Fish Is Still Fit

How To Know When The Fish Is Still Fit
How To Know When The Fish Is Still Fit

There is a very thin layer of mucus on the surface of quality and fresh fish. But if this mucus is abundant, the layer is thick, it means that the fish has stayed too long.

The scales of the fish are shiny if it is fresh. The scales of the fresh fish are tightly glued to its body, there are no tears. The eyes of fresh fish are transparent and prominent. If they are cloudy, this is a sign of some disease of the fish.

The gills of fresh fish are rich in color. If it is grayish, do not buy fish. The best fish is preserved on crushed ice.

You will find out if it is fresh by pressing it with your finger. If there is a hole left in your finger that does not repair, it means that the fish is not fresh.

Fresh fish has a characteristic aroma of the sea or river, without the smell of sour or rotten. The belly of the fish should not protrude if it is fresh.

Fresh Sea bass
Fresh Sea bass

Fresh fish has fins and tails that are not dry and are not folded or stuck together.

The scales of long-standing fish are difficult to clean. To keep fresh fish fresh for longer in the refrigerator, place it between two porcelain plates.

The flesh of fresh quality fish is very dense, elastic and quite difficult to debone. Frozen quality fish has pale gills and slightly sunken eyes. This is the only difference between fresh-frozen and fresh fish.

Do not buy frozen fish in damaged packaging. If the fish has a lot of ice, it means that it has been thawed and re-frozen.

If you notice spots on the body of the frozen fish, it means that it has remained for a long time before being frozen. The yellowish and grayish color of the frozen fish is a sign that it is spoiling.

Frozen fish should not stay in your freezer for more than three months if you want to extract the maximum amount of nutrients from it.
