What Should Every Housewife Know About Cooking Fish?

What Should Every Housewife Know About Cooking Fish?
What Should Every Housewife Know About Cooking Fish?

Besides being easily digestible and extremely useful, the fish is suitable for making a variety of salads, hot and cold appetizers, soups, main dishes and more. It is low in calories and at the same time contains invaluable substances for the human body, which gives it a central place in the diet and in the ordinary kitchen.

However, when cooking fish, you need to know not only how to recognize that it is really fresh, but also to follow some rules in its culinary processing. Here are some tips in this regard:

- Fresh fish is recognizable by its clear eyes and reddish gills. In addition, its flesh must be white (except for special fish such as salmon) and its belly must be flat;

- It is best to buy fish cleaned, because it saves a lot of time and effort. If you still can't find a cleaned fish, you can do the same at home by cutting its belly length, being careful not to touch the bile and liver. After removing the insides of the fish, it is washed thoroughly under cold running water;

- If you think the fish is too smelly, you can leave it for a few hours in a marinade of vinegar, paprika and bay leaf;

Fish in paper
Fish in paper

- Usually the smaller fish is fried whole, and the larger fish are cut into slices. It is good for the fish to be well drained and salted at least 15 minutes before frying so that it can absorb the salt. After frying, place on kitchen paper to drain the fat. It is consumed immediately, even before it has cooled down;

- If you are cooking the fish in soup or broth, you should put it in boiling salted water. It is good to put it in gauze so that you can then easily remove the bones without them falling into the broth;

- Probably the easiest way to heat fish is to cook it in the oven or on the grill. Suitable for such heat treatment are medium-sized fish such as trout, mackerel, bream, sea bass and others. You can also bake each fish individually, wrapped in aluminum foil and sprinkled with aromatic herbs.
