Five Things That Will Affect Your Order At A Restaurant

Five Things That Will Affect Your Order At A Restaurant
Five Things That Will Affect Your Order At A Restaurant

It's no secret that a combination of things can affect your mood when you're in a restaurant - quiet pleasant music, friendly waiters and well-made menus.

At first glance, these are the most important elements that could totally ruin or make your dinner perfect. However, recent research shows that there are other hidden and unconscious factors that can actually radically change your pre-planned plans.

1. The body mass index of the screwdriver

It may sound strange, but it turns out that the weight of the waiter can influence our choice. A survey of nearly 500 dinner couples found that people were almost four times more likely to order dessert and more alcohol when a large waiter stood in front of them. The explanation is that seeing it smiling, even though it is full, people say to themselves "What's so great, here are the others eating, it's not just me who limits myself" and decide to eat or drink something else.

Five things that will affect your order at a restaurant
Five things that will affect your order at a restaurant

2. The weight of the people you dine with

The figure of your friends can also play an important role in your diet. You are much more likely to eat unhealthy and non-diet food when you are in the company of people who do not care much about their body shape.

3. The atmosphere

Even if you are in a fast food restaurant, you can feel much better than in an expensive restaurant, as long as the atmosphere is pleasant, the music and lighting are not intrusive. You will easily feel how much more relaxed you feel and how much tastier the food you eat seems to you.

Five things that will affect your order at a restaurant
Five things that will affect your order at a restaurant

4. The names of the foods

No matter if you have thought about this fact, but whenever you open the menu, your eyes will stop at the better described dishes. Long and descriptive names make you imagine what you will get on your plate and this will inevitably make you order it.

5. The specialties of the restaurant

It often happens that we sit in a restaurant when we are in a hurry to eat, as it were, during the lunch break. In these moments, not only are we tired from work and feel relatively lazy to rummage through the entire menu until we choose, we hurry to get back to work - without thinking much about the waiter's question what we want, we immediately respond, that we would trust the choice of the chef for the specialty of the restaurant or of the day.
