Think Of Candy To Lose Weight

Think Of Candy To Lose Weight
Think Of Candy To Lose Weight

When you want to pamper yourself with candy, but you shouldn't, you can imagine the taste of a handful of sweet candies, this will help you refrain from the temptation.

According to a new American study, if you think about your favorite food, it displaces the desire for it hours ahead of time, which has a beneficial effect on your diet.

The study confirmed long-standing observations that the forbidden fruit is the sweetest. In general, the conclusion was not so obvious: for decades, nutritionists have advised us not to think about the things to eat that tempt us, so as not to irritate unnecessarily.

It turns out that it is better to get annoyed and even overdo it. To test the effect of the thought of favorite sweet temptations on nutrition, scientists conducted an experiment.

Think of candy to lose weight
Think of candy to lose weight

Some of the participants had to imagine that they put coins in a vending machine, as much as the value of a chocolate dessert. The others had to imagine dropping the coins and then mentally eating five desserts. The last group had to mentally drop coins and eat 33 desserts.

They were then fed desserts on their stomachs. Only those who imagined that they had consumed as many as 33 desserts refused to try the jam at all.

Subsequent experiments, in which scientists calculated variations in the number of mentally eaten delicacies compared to real ones, led them to draw the logical conclusion - that the reduction in real eating is due to something like habituation.

Experiments were conducted with other products that are not sweet - imaginary cheese and yellow cheese, but this did not affect the increase in the amount of real desserts eaten.

The authors of the study believe that the imaginary indulgence of our weaknesses will help us refrain from any contraindicated food and even smoking.

The main thing is when we imagine things, to be as close as possible to real images - to be able to feel the aroma, taste and how we feel when we eat it, and the more we are satisfied in our imagination, the less we will want to get in reality.
