Do You Want A Salad With Your Order? Let It Be With Potatoes

Do You Want A Salad With Your Order? Let It Be With Potatoes
Do You Want A Salad With Your Order? Let It Be With Potatoes

Fast food chains have recently diverted criticism of their menus by including healthy foods such as salads.

But a recent publication in the Journal of Consumer Research shows that having healthy menu options can make some consumers eat less healthily than they would otherwise.

In one study, students were given one of a total of two menus. One menu contains french fries, chicken nuggets and baked potatoes, and the other includes the same things as a salad.

French fries
French fries

French fries, perceived as the least healthy food, were three times more chosen by the students who had the salad menu than in the other group.

"When you think about the health option, you say to yourself, well, I can choose that option," said Kate Wilcox, who co-authored the post. "It lowers your defenses, leading to gluttonous behavior."

The users who are most affected by the presence of a healthy element are those with the highest level of self-control, measured by a widely used test.

Those with less self-control are far more likely to order potatoes at the option where there is no salad; but when the salad is included, some of them still choose it.

10% order french fries from a menu that has no salad. 33% order french fries from a menu that includes salad.
