Foods That Are Natural Aphrodisiacs

Foods That Are Natural Aphrodisiacs
Foods That Are Natural Aphrodisiacs

Some foods can increase potency in men. However, it must be borne in mind that all people are different, with different health and live in different conditions. In addition, there are other factors: the psychological comfort of each person, age, periods of sexual abstinence and many others.

With age, the chance of experiencing a weakening of the erection increases for objective reasons. Today, however, this problem is not unknown to many young men - stress, workaholism and sedentary lifestyle affect potency.

Not understanding the reason, men often resort to strong stimulants that have a one-time effect. They are addictive and gradually damage the heart if taken uncontrollably. For lasting and healthy increase potency diet is very important. It has been proven that it can affect men both negatively and positively. Some foods increase potency in men and in combination with a healthy life can solve the problem permanently.

Which foods are natural aphrodisiacs?

Natural aphrodisiacs
Natural aphrodisiacs

Men's health is very sensitive and reacts to the lack of nutrients and vitamins. Some foods contain a lot of substances necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones. Vitamins A, B1, C, E, potassium and zinc affect the health of the heart and blood vessels and this leads to good blood flow, which provides a stable erection.

Here they are food natural aphrodisiacswhich are mandatory for men, even if they do not have sexual disorders.


Nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger, hot peppers, cloves, fenugreek, and some herbs increase sensuality and increase blood circulation. They also affect the immune system and help maintain vitality.

Nuts and seeds

Walnuts, almonds, pistachios, pine nuts are rich in protein, fat and vitamins. Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc.


All seafood contains nutrients necessary for men's health, as well as easily digestible proteins. Oysters and red fish are especially useful. Oysters of all seafood are richest in zinc and selenium, which improve erections. These substances are partially destroyed during cooking, therefore raw oysters are most useful.

Cocoa, chocolate and red wine

Chocolate is usually considered harmful, in fact it is only good for potency. It is important to eat dark chocolate with a lot of cocoa - it affects testosterone production and improves mood.

Red wine is one of the few types of alcohol that does not harm potencybut improves it. The wine contains the antioxidant resveratrol, which strengthens blood vessels, which is good for blood circulation. But you should use it no more than a glass and from time to time, because in large quantities any alcohol is harmful.


Its seeds contain many substances that increase libido and also lower blood sugar, which reduces the risk of diabetes - one of the causes of erection problems.


Ginger root as a spice or tea. Ginger causes blood flow to the genitals.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are the number one health benefit for men. They contain large amounts of zinc and other substances necessary for the male reproductive system. On the basis of pumpkin seeds, they even produce medicines.


Walnuts are natural aphrodisiacs
Walnuts are natural aphrodisiacs

Experts recommend walnuts as a healthy breakfast. They will be a good source of plant protein and will also increase testosterone levels.


Eggs contain vitamins B5 and B6, which help in the production of male hormones, and also help the body fight stress.


Honey also helps increase potency. But it should be used in combination with other foods, such as nuts or ginger, which increases testosterone levels in the body.


Avocados, bananas, strawberries and blackcurrants, figs, watermelon, grapes or raisins. Fruits are rich in vitamins, which is why they are useful as a prevention of vitamin deficiency. It can be manifested by frequent fatigue, which does not have the best effect on libido. Moderation should be observed, as fruits contain a lot of sugar, which damages potency and worsens the condition of blood vessels.

Raspberries are an aphrodisiac for men
Raspberries are an aphrodisiac for men

Homemade and wild strawberries contain not only a valuable set of vitamins and minerals, but also have a highly stimulating odor. Raspberries contain a large amount of zinc, which is why it is called natural Viagra. Apricots and peaches are considered excellent erectile function enhancers. Grapes stimulate the production of sex hormones. Quinces and apples have many beneficial properties, including to increase libido. The pomegranate is strong natural aphrodisiac - It improves blood circulation to the genitals.


Onions and garlic contain beneficial substances that have a positive effect on potency. In addition, onions restore the hormonal balance in a man's body. Turnips are a real food for potency. As a source of vitamins and minerals, even cooked, this vegetable can be present on the table as a side dish for meat dishes or mixed with honey.

Which foods should be avoided?

These are foods and herbs that contain female sex hormones, which can significantly reduce the amount of testosterone and most dangerously reduce libido - sexual desire, as well as those that constrict blood vessels and adversely affect overall health. These are alcohol, especially beer, sweet carbonated and energy drinks, pasta, semi-finished products and sausages, chips and snacks, soy, bacon and fatty meats, mint, red clover and more.

Doctors' recommendations

To avoid potency problems, it is advisable to lead a healthy lifestyle and treat any infections in a timely manner. If you have serious problems with pain or a burning sensation, you should contact a urologist immediately, not self-medicate.

According to the WHO, more than 150 million men suffer from erection problems. This is facilitated by the accelerated pace of life, frequent stress, fatigue and lack of sleep, against the background of - problems with blood vessels and heart. The key to a healthy sex life is to improve your diet, experience less stress and rest well.

Look more:

- Diet for increased libido;

- Foods for female libido.
