What Is Easter Fasting For?

What Is Easter Fasting For?
What Is Easter Fasting For?

The long Easter fast began on March 2, and will last until April 19, when Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter in 2020. As a rule, only plant products are consumed during fasting, as animal foods are not allowed (with some small exceptions on certain dates).

What are the benefits of Easter fasting? See in the following lines:

There are many benefits to fasting. First of all, it is a ritual that teaches us to live with the little one, to enjoy the simplest things, to be humble. Fasting helps us to give up material goods and carnal pleasures. To purify our thoughts, soul and body. Adherence to a plant-based diet helps to lose weight and purify, to slow down the aging process, to strengthen the immune system.

Of course, when embarking on a post, you need to be aware of some rules. Despite the change in our diet, we should not deprive ourselves of useful nutrients and sunlight, because they are important for our body.

If you plan to fast only on pasta, you better give up. This way you will not lose weight, nor will you strengthen your body. At most to achieve the opposite effect.

What do we need to eat to be useful Easter fasting?

benefits of Easter fasting
benefits of Easter fasting

Green foods

In the spring we have a lot of fresh leafy vegetables and it would be a pity not to take advantage of them. They are rich in nutrients and have a high concentration of antioxidants, but also vitamins and minerals. In addition, they are alkaline and high in fiber, which helps us eliminate toxins and fats more easily.

Plant sources of calcium

Many complain of calcium deficiency during fasting. In that case, take more sesame seeds! It is the best source of plant calcium. We need two teaspoons of raw seeds a day to compensate for the lack of dairy sources. You can eat them for breakfast or add to salads and main dishes.

We need protein

They are found in plants: beans, lentils, peas, mushrooms, soy and quinoa, which are very good plant sources of protein. So make sure you have one of these "green" proteins in your diet every day.

Who should not fast?

It turns out that pregnant women and people with diseases should not observe fastingas they need a special diet and a varied menu every day. For them, a drastic change in diet can be unfavorable.
