Limit Coffee If Your Eye Is Playing

Limit Coffee If Your Eye Is Playing
Limit Coffee If Your Eye Is Playing

It has happened to everyone that his eye plays - that is, the upper or lower eyelid of one eye is involuntarily pulled up. The sensation that is very unpleasant is called eyelid myochemistry.

Very little is known about this phenomenon, and it has been found that it occurs more with the lower eyelid than with the upper. It is most likely related to eyelid nerve problems.

According to scientists, fatigue, stress and caffeine also increase the likelihood of annoying eyelid twitching. Excessive eye strain, poor nutrition, excessive alcohol consumption and some allergies are also responsible for this.

Fortunately, this phenomenon is not dangerous to health and goes away on its own. However, if you do not want this to happen often, you should limit the use of coffee and alcohol and get a good night's sleep.

If you are still wondering why you are constantly cold, you should know that body temperature is regulated by the brain, namely the hypothalamus, which sends a signal to the body that it must give off heat in warm conditions and keep it cold.


That is why we often tremble when we are cold, because in this way we produce heat in our muscles. Iron plays an important role in the process of retaining heat, so people with anemia caused by iron deficiency are very often cold.

Poor blood circulation caused by high blood pressure or medication can also be to blame for your cold. Insufficient activity of the thyroid gland also slows down the body's metabolism to such an extent that it does not produce enough heat.

There is also a genetic predisposition to how a person tolerates the cold. If you are the type of person who needs socks even in summer, emphasize products rich in iron - red meat, legumes, dark green leafy vegetables.

This will prevent anemia. You should also avoid the use of nicotine, as it constricts blood vessels and leads to insufficient blood circulation.

Don't worry about the fact that you constantly need extra warm-up, as six out of ten people suffer from it. This is a signal that you are more susceptible to respiratory diseases in the winter.
