Red Wine Protects Us From Eye Diseases

Red Wine Protects Us From Eye Diseases
Red Wine Protects Us From Eye Diseases

Red wine is a particularly popular drink on cold winter days. Many studies show that drinking a glass of wine every day is extremely useful, and it warms us up quite quickly. According to research results, red wine has an extremely beneficial effect on blood clotting.

Other studies confirm that moderate drink intake significantly reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. Experts say that people who have already experienced a myocardial infarction should drink a glass of wine every day to reduce the risk of a second one.

Another study conducted in the UK shows that drinking one to two glasses every night with food will help increase the so-called. good cholesterol in the body.


The latest study related to wine proves that in addition to all the known positive aspects of its regular and moderate consumption, grape elixir can also help our eyesight.

Carrots can now easily go into the background, experts say. Consumption of red wine can prevent many eye diseases that occur with age, as long as the intake of alcohol is normal.

The useful ingredient in red wine has long been known - it is resveratrol. As you know, resveratrol is contained in the skin of grapes.


It is believed that it stops the growth of blood vessels in the eyes. If this problem is not treated, it can lead to a significant weakening of vision at a fairly rapid pace, as well as to macular degeneration.

This is one of the main reasons why older people wear glasses. It also turns out that this is a leading prerequisite for blindness in later life - according to scientists, people with diabetes are most at risk.

Of course, red wine is not a panacea and the consumption of the drink must be in moderation and pleasure. Any abuse of alcohol, including red wine, has its negative consequences.
