Preparation And Tempering Of Chocolate

Preparation And Tempering Of Chocolate
Preparation And Tempering Of Chocolate

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There are no such delicious products as home-made ones. Here you will find tips on how to make homemade chocolate, as well as tips on how to temper.

Homemade chocolate

Necessary products: 250 g cocoa butter, 80 g coconut oil, 100 g cocoa, 2.5 tbsp. honey

Method of preparation: The cocoa butter is cut into cubes and melted in a water bath. Place the bowl of cocoa butter in a saucepan of warm water (about 60 degrees) and wait for it to become liquid. Coconut is added to the cocoa butter and melted together.

Homemade chocolate
Homemade chocolate

The products are mixed with honey, put in the mixer and beaten. Finally, cocoa is added. Mix again for about 1-2 minutes. Then pour into a suitable mold, wait for it to cool and - done.

Tempering chocolate is a heat treatment in which the final product acquires a specific crystalline form, characterized by gloss and solid structure. The process stabilizes the cocoa butter, which in turn allows the chocolate to melt above 35 ° C. The best for culinary applications is the chocolate couverture, as well as the home-made chocolate.

Tempering can be done in several ways. One of the options is tempering with a marble slab. Its temperature should be around 20 ° C. In this case, the couverture is melted in a water bath, waiting for all the hard pieces of chocolate to melt. Two thirds of the mixture is poured on the plate and spread with a spatula. Gather towards the center with the help of a spatula until it starts to thicken.


The resulting mixture is collected from the plate and returned to the vessel with the remaining hot couverture. Mix well. The temperature should reach 32 ° C. If necessary, the couverture is cooled a little more or heated slightly.

Another option is tempering with pieces of chocolate. 2/3 of the melting couverture is placed in a container, the temperature should not exceed 46 ° С. For this purpose, be careful not to boil the water. It is best to use a thermometer. Melt in a water bath until all the hard pieces of chocolate are melted.

Place 1/3 of the separated pieces of chocolate three times in the melted mixture, stirring well until melted. The resulting chocolate should be slightly lukewarm - if necessary, add a few more pieces of chocolate.

The ready-made tempered chocolate is placed in the desired mold. Popular forms of chocolate are polycarbonate and must have a temperature of 20 ° C. If the temperature of the mold exceeds 35 ° C, all the crystals obtained by tempering on the marble are lost.

And if the temperature of the mold is lower than 20 ° C, a temperature shock occurs and where the chocolate touches the mold, it looks unsightly. The storage temperature is 16 ° С - 20 ° С.
