The Darkening Of The Apple: Two Tricks Against It

The Darkening Of The Apple: Two Tricks Against It
The Darkening Of The Apple: Two Tricks Against It

The apple - the golden fruit of autumn! Full of vitamins, overflowing with juice and sweetness and an ingredient in some of the most delicious desserts in the world! As irresistible as it is prepared, it is just as appetizing and natural - freshly picked or bought from the stall.

Almost perfect, the apple has only one drawback that we have all encountered - once cut, in contact with oxygen it oxidizes and darkens.

Of course, that doesn't change her taste. Neither that of pear, banana and avocado, which have the same problem.


And calm down, the darkening of the applewhich is a natural phenomenon can be easily avoided. However, action should be taken quickly in the first minutes after cutting the fruit.

This is especially true when you want to make a nice apple pie, for example, and when you have to cut a large amount of apples that have to stand and wait to be cooked. There are many tips on how to store the fruit in this case, but there are two that will preserve the true taste and appearance of the apple.

Tip № 1: Lemon juice

This is advice as old as the world, but it has worked for centuries and there is no reason to deprive it. He ordered, once the apples were cut, smeared with lemon juice, whose vitamin C will stop darkening.

You can use pure lemon juice, or you can put it in a bowl of water with apple slices while working on the recipe. Once squeezed and dried, the apples will retain their nice bright color.

Tip № 2 against darkening of apples: Honey

Lemon juice and honey against darkening of the apple
Lemon juice and honey against darkening of the apple

If you do not have a lemon on hand, you can also use honey, which will lead to the same effect.

How to do it?

Put two teaspoons of honey and a large glass of water in a bowl. Add the sliced peeled apple and wait about five minutes before squeezing the fruit and drying it.

Then you can safely put them on the pie dough, taste them like this or add yogurt.
