Consumption Of Mushrooms During Lactation

Consumption Of Mushrooms During Lactation
Consumption Of Mushrooms During Lactation

Unfortunately, there is no unequivocal opinion regarding the consumption of mushrooms by the expectant mother. For centuries, they have been part of the diet and pregnant women are not limited.

Today, experts define mushrooms as a heavy food that is difficult to digest and contains a large amount of allergens. Getting into the baby through breast milk, they can cause allergies that will last a lifetime.

For this reason, the consumption of mushrooms during lactation is not highly recommended. Fungi are difficult to digest even by a mature body, and in a breastfeeding mother this can lead to increased flatulence in the baby's stomach, diarrhea or constipation.


Babies who are still breastfed do not have enough enzymes in their stomachs to break down food normally, so it is a good idea for the mother to consult her pediatrician.

Mushrooms are not recommended for nursing mothers because there is a possibility of poisoning, especially in self-picked mushrooms. It is enough to eat 20 grams of poisonous mushroom to reach severe and irreversible consequences.

The adult body may be able to cope with mild poisoning, but the weakened child's body still does not have enough resistance.

The safest option remains cultivated mushrooms. But they also pose certain dangers, as it is not clear when and where they were grown and how many chemicals were used for supplements while they were growing.

Also, fungi change their composition after being picked and toxins accumulate in them, which do not reflect well on either the mother or the baby.

Mushrooms, in addition to being delicious, also contain useful substances, but their difficult digestibility limits the intake. In general, this is a product that can be limited without harming the body and it can feel certain deficiencies of vitamins or minerals.

As the digestive system of infants is not perfect enough to absorb such a heavy product, in order to avoid problems it is good to postpone the intake of this food until at least two years of age.
