Foods That Mimic The Effects Of Estrogen In The Body

Foods That Mimic The Effects Of Estrogen In The Body
Foods That Mimic The Effects Of Estrogen In The Body

Estrogen is a female sex hormone that is responsible for female fertility.

Estrogen is also produced in men, but in much smaller amounts.

It is also important for the formation and strength of the bone system. The amount of estrogen in the body decreases with age.

In the human body, estrogen is not actually a single hormone, but a trio of hormones.

The effects of estrogen


- increases emotional sensitivity;

- reduces libido;

- causes the tissue in the breast to develop and grow;

- thickens the blood;

- encourages the body to gain weight;

- stimulates growth.

Phytoestrogen is a substance that is considered estrogen analogue. It is contained in some food. Consumption of these foods also reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis and cancer and reduces malaise during menopause.

Phytoestrogen that we take with food, can mimic the effect of estrogen.

Foods that mimic the effects of estrogen in the body

- Nuts - contain a large amount of phytoestrogen, called lignans - a type of polyphenols containing phytoestrogens that are involved in regulating estrogen production in the body. For menopausal women, the consumption of chestnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds is recommended;

- Soy foods - soy foods contain large amounts of phytoestrogens, also known as isoflavones;

- Seeds - some seeds contain substances that act like estrogen. Consumption of sesame and flaxseed, for example, is recommended for menopausal women;

Fruits contain phytoestrogens
Fruits contain phytoestrogens

- Fruits and vegetables - in the composition of fruits and vegetables there are also substances that mimic the effect of estrogen. Such greens are green beans, pumpkin, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, peaches, strawberries, watermelon, raspberries, prunes, grapes, citrus fruits and others. It is good to eat these foods when they are seasonal. It is also good to consume without heat treatment;

- Whole grains - part of Whole grains also mimic the effects of estrogen. Such crops are oats, rye, barley and wheat.
