If You Drink More Than This Amount Of Juice, You Will Gain Weight

If You Drink More Than This Amount Of Juice, You Will Gain Weight
If You Drink More Than This Amount Of Juice, You Will Gain Weight

You can gain about half a kilo a year if you overdo it with the amount of fruit juice per day, warn health nutrition experts. There is an amount of fruit drinks that you should not exceed.

The recommended daily allowance of fruit juice is 170 milliliters, and if you can afford more, you will gain weight slowly and safely. In the first year you will notice that you have gained weight, even if you follow a healthy diet.

But if you eat one fruit a day instead of juice, you will be able to lose weight more easily. This conclusion was reached after a study of 49,000 women over the age of 50 for 5 years.

This may largely explain why the average American continues to gain weight. Most of them continue to drink fruit juice in large quantities and this does not help to lose weight, said study leader Dr. Auerbach of Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle.

Fruit juices, although presented as useful, contain a high amount of sugar. 170 milliliters of natural fruit juice contain up to 30 grams of sugar and up to 120 calories.

Experts also add that there is a misconception that the pieces of fruit in the juices contain fiber. This is not the case and even in the pulp there is a large amount of fruit sugars.

Before drinking fruit juice, it is advisable to eat a product rich in fiber. The reason is that fiber prevents sugar from entering the bloodstream quickly and altering metabolism.
