And A Few More Reasons To Drink A Glass Of Wine Every Night

And A Few More Reasons To Drink A Glass Of Wine Every Night
And A Few More Reasons To Drink A Glass Of Wine Every Night

Wine contains antioxidants and tannins, which have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Long-term research conducted by American scientists has found that people who regularly drink wine are 30% less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease. In addition, wine consumption significantly reduces the level of bad cholesterol and the risk of atherosclerotic plaques.

The divine drink improves the activity of the digestive system, activates the brain and prevents the development of diseases associated with advancing age.

Dry red wine is famous as an excellent antidepressant - it calms the nervous system and relaxes. A glass of wine after a hard day's work significantly soothes stress.

How long can we store it?


According to the most common theory, the older the wine, the more interesting and rich its taste and aroma. This is true, but not always, and not for all faults. Middle-class wines retain their qualities for a shorter period of time. This is especially true for whites and rosettes - the younger they are, the better.

Professional sommelier advises, if possible, when we open the bottle of wine, to drink it immediately, instead of trying to store it. Of course, for a person this is too much, but if you drink with friends, it is completely achievable - even more so that wine is a social drink. If wine still remains in the bottle, you must store it properly.


Sparkling wines survive literally a few hours after opening. Light rosettes and white wines can be stored a little longer. Red wine retains its taste for up to three days after opening the bottle. For sweet wines the term is one week.

How to use leftover wine?

If you do not have the opportunity for proper storage, you can find many applications of wine leftovers. First of all, you can use them to brew aromatic gluvine. In addition, wine can be used for many culinary purposes - it goes well with meat, can be the basis for marinades, sauces and desserts.
