The Ideal Meatballs Are In Proportions Of 60 To 40

The Ideal Meatballs Are In Proportions Of 60 To 40
The Ideal Meatballs Are In Proportions Of 60 To 40

According to some reference books, the Balkan peoples prepare somewhere between 300 and 400 types of meatballs. In Turkey alone, a local newspaper managed to count 291.

Although this dish in different variations is known almost all over the world, there is no other region where it is the subject of such tumultuous creativity.

The Turks and the Greeks lead by this criterion. Serbia, on the other hand, surpasses all other nations in the role it has assigned to this dish in its national cuisine - the grill occupies about 70% of the place in a regular Serbian menu.

Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Romania are slightly weaker in the meatball race, but they also have something to say on the issue, at least in terms of having a good time over a solid portion of minced meat balls.

Bulgarian cuisine abounds in recipes for meatballs - from fried, very close to the Greek, through magnificent, juicy kebabs, to the patriotic name "Meatballs in Constantinople" - small balls placed on a portion of steaming mashed potatoes with butter.

Placed in fluffy white bread near smoky stalls and generously sprinkled with colorful salt, grilled meatballs have long been a source of national pleasure from simple food. Homemade fried meatballs are a proverbial symbol of family comfort.


Currently, the reputation of these dishes, especially the various meatballs and kebabs, suffers from the state of the food industry in the country. Almost all restaurants offer semi-finished products - greasy, watery, sometimes tough shapes, which, judging by the taste, can be made of plasticine.

Otherwise, the classic meatballs in Bulgaria are made from minced pork and beef, usually in a ratio of 60:40, and it is very important that the pork is relatively fatty.

Unlike the Greek ones, the Bulgarian ones often have savory instead of cumin, or a combination of both. With added crushed hot peppers, they are called "neurotic".

In short - everyone does what he wants. To the delight of lovers of culinary travel.
