Scientists Create Superheavy And Useful Tomatoes With Nanoparticles

Scientists Create Superheavy And Useful Tomatoes With Nanoparticles
Scientists Create Superheavy And Useful Tomatoes With Nanoparticles

A research team at Washington's St. Louis University in the United States has managed to create tomatoes that weigh 82 percent more and are richer in antioxidants. In their experiments, the scientists used nanoparticles.

The technology is by Ramesh Raliya and Pratim Biswa, based on nanoparticles of cyanide and titanium dioxide. They have been shown to help tomatoes absorb light and minerals.

Titanium dioxide increases the amount of chlorophyll in the plant, which improves photosynthesis. Zinc, on the other hand, helps the enzymes in the plant to function.

Through the two added nanoparticles, the tomatoes signal to the soil that they need additional nutrients and thus gain weight.

Delicious Tomatoes
Delicious Tomatoes

These nutrients are not in a form that allows the plant to use them immediately, so it releases enzymes that react with the soil and cause microbes to convert the nutrients into a form suitable for the plant. We are trying to support this process by adding nanoparticles - the scientists explain.

In their experiments, the scientists sprayed a thin layer of nanoparticles on the tomato leaves. They hypothesized that direct spraying on plants would be more effective than spraying the soil.

At the end of the study, it was found that tomatoes sprayed with nanoparticles weighed 82% more than others. In addition, their lycopene levels have increased by about 80%.

Lycopene, to which tomatoes, watermelons and guavas owe their appetizing red color, is a factor in reducing cancer, according to numerous studies.

In the future, the team at the University of Washington will develop a second formula for nanoparticles that do not contain zinc. This development of fruits and vegetables will need to feed the population if one day it doubles to the projected 14 billion.
