The Keto Diet Leads To Diabetes And Obesity! Scientists Explain

The Keto Diet Leads To Diabetes And Obesity! Scientists Explain
The Keto Diet Leads To Diabetes And Obesity! Scientists Explain

The keto diet is very famous and many people use it to lose weight for a long time. It is characterized by low carbohydrate content and high fat consumption. At one point the body falls into the so-called. ketosis (hence the name of the diet), when the body begins to burn fat. In this way, the weight of people is reduced.

However, a new study with mice raises questions about the usefulness of the well-known and widespread keto diet - especially in terms of increased risk of diabetes. The study was developed and conducted by scientists from Switzerland, who put mice on a keto diet and monitor what happens in their bodies. In the early stages of the diet, scientists noticed that mice showed a rather weak ability to regulate blood sugar compared to mice that were on a diet high in fat and carbohydrates.

As a reason for this, they point to the fact that the liver of mice did not cope well with the absorption of insulin, ie. the so-called insulin resistance, which is one of the main risks of developing diabetes in humans.

In addition, this increased risk can be explained by the fact that in some people cholesterol levels in the body may increase when consuming a high-protein diet and a high-fat diet.


Despite the known health effects of the keto diet, scientists believe that more research should be done to provide more in-depth data on the influence of diet on the body.

According to Professor Grant of the German Health Research Center, no one will develop diabetes while on keto nutrition, simply because carbohydrate intake is too low.

He also claims that studies on rodents and dogs have been conducted before in connection with the keto diet and they have shown impaired glucose tolerance. He says that the liver becomes insulin-resistant, but this is a reversible process once a person returns to a normal and balanced diet.

Of course, consuming foods high in fat and high in carbohydrates at the same time is not a good idea and it can lead to an increased risk.

At the same time, many medical researchers talk about the obvious benefits of this diet in people with diabetes and that the problems may stem from the fact that no balance has been found in this type of diet in certain people.

Moreover, studies in mice do not guarantee that the results will be repeated in human studies.


The fact is that many more studies are needed, including on long-term. So far, only short-term ones have been made. They will show much more precisely what are the benefits and harms of a given diet.

The most important thing is to comply with the individual requirements of the body, to move more and reduce the consumption of foods that are harmful to us.

If you have concomitant diseases, you should consult a doctor before starting such a regimen. People with kidney disease, for example, cannot be deprived of carbohydrates and should not increase their protein intake. This is similar for people with type 1 diabetes, where the risk of ketoacidosis is already high.
