10 Facts About The Egg That You Do Not Know

10 Facts About The Egg That You Do Not Know
10 Facts About The Egg That You Do Not Know

1. The largest hen's egg has five yolks. The heaviest registered egg in the world is 454 grams - about six times heavier than the average egg.

2. Laying hens lay between 250-300 eggs per year. It takes between 24 and 26 hours to lay an egg. Usually 30 minutes later the formation of the new begins.

3. To make an unbreakable egg, place it in a glass of vinegar. When left for 2-3 days in acetic acid, it dissolves calcium in the shell. After this procedure, the egg will not break even if it falls from a height.

Red eggs
Red eggs

4. You will need five quail eggs to get all the nutritional properties of an average chicken egg.

5. The largest omelet in the world was made in Madrid by Carlos Fernandez. He made an omelet of 5,000 eggs, which weighed 599 kilograms.

6. If the egg accidentally falls on the carpet, generously sprinkle the area with salt to make it easier to clean.

7. The surface of a medium-sized egg contains about 17,000 small pores. Through them, the egg absorbs odors. If you store the eggs in a box, they will stay fresh longer.

Quail eggs
Quail eggs

8. In Chinese culture, eggs are a symbol of life. To announce the birth of the child, the Chinese family painted eggs red, the color of happiness. It is believed that they bring good luck to the newborn.

9. Compared to chicken eggs, duck eggs are larger, contain more fat and are tastier.

10. A diet with one egg a day will not increase blood cholesterol.
