7 Facts About Eggs That You May Not Know

7 Facts About Eggs That You May Not Know
7 Facts About Eggs That You May Not Know

Do you think you know everything about the egg beyond the many options for its preparation? It turns out that it hides more secrets under its shell than we think. Here are at least 7 curious facts about eggsthat will surprise you.

1. The egg is not stored in the refrigerator

Contrary to popular belief (and the egg compartment that sells each refrigerator), eggs are not stored in the refrigerator. Why? Because they are naturally covered with a protective film that prevents bacteria from passing. Besides, eggs in large rooms are never stored in a cool place, so why do it at home?

2. Its shell has pores

The shell of the egg has pores and for this reason, placed in the refrigerator, it can absorb all its odors. It has probably happened to you and you know that it is not pleasant at all. This is another reason to avoid putting eggs in the refrigerator. If you forget, maybe its smells will remind you.

3. The yolk is consumed within 24 hours

Egg yolk
Egg yolk

Photo: 1

Warning, you should be aware that there is nothing you can do with an already broken egg. Broken, it is a favorite soil for microbes. Do not put it in a cup or saucer until you are ready to cook it. Raw egg yolk should be consumed within a day - 24 hours, no more.

4. Each number means something

Eggs from hens
Eggs from hens

0, 1, 2 or 3… each egg sold must have a shell number to inform consumers about the rearing of the hen that laid it. Number 0 means that the egg is a product of organic farming, 1 - that the hen is reared outdoors, 2 - by floor rearing (hens are not in cages, but indoors) and 3 - that the hen has grown in a cage.

5. Eggs do not have the same color because…

Eggshell color
Eggshell color

In some countries the eggs are beige, in others they are most often white. In Bulgaria they are found by both, but most are those with a darker shell. In fact, the color has nothing to do with the quality of the egg. The color of the shell depends on the breed of the laying hen.

6. Never wash eggs

Box of eggs
Box of eggs

It often happens when you open the box with the eggs, any of them have sunk into the dirt. This raises the question of egg contamination. But there is no need to worry, the protective film of the shell prevents bacteria from passing through it into the egg. However, if you wash the egg, you will remove this protective barrier and the risk of contamination will increase.

7. Make sure the egg is fresh without breaking it

It is quite possible to check if the egg is fresh without having to break it. It is enough to immerse it in a glass of water, if it sinks, then it is fresh, if it is "between two waters", you must consume it quickly, if it swims freely, it is no longer fit for consumption.
