Seven Interesting Facts About Horseradish That You Do Not Know

Seven Interesting Facts About Horseradish That You Do Not Know
Seven Interesting Facts About Horseradish That You Do Not Know

Horseradish in known to mankind for almost four millennia, making it one of the most ancient plants. Many gourmets adore it as a spicy spice, and folk medicine raises it as a cure for a bunch of diseases. Today, the spice grows on all continents and most peoples can not imagine the table without it.

Here are some curious facts about horseradish that you may not know:

- In Germany for centuries it has been customary to serve carp with horseradish, grated almonds and a pinch of sugar, in Austria horseradish is seasoned with apples, and in America it is mixed with cream, lemon juice and mustard;

- Horseradish is a recognized aphrodisiac. Because of this quality in Russia they prepare a tincture of vodka with it, and the English call it horse radish;

- In Japan, they develop horseradish toothpaste, which is known to protect against tooth decay. True Japanese wasabi horseradish is hard to find outside the island nation. And because it is expensive, it is often replaced by European horseradish or daikon;

- According to some culinary researchers, the Russian name of horseradish root, modified in Vienna to horseradish, gave the name to sausages.

- The legendary Russian Emperor Peter I, among his many decrees, pays attention to the lapa root, recommending in each roadside inn to travelers and people of hard work to be given a certain amount of horseradish vodka for refreshment;

- Spicy root is very cold-resistant - some of its species are found beyond the Arctic Circle;

- The famous Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky also devotes to horseradish special attention, mentioning it in two of his works: Notes from the House of the Dead and Crime and Punishment.
