For The Harm Of Artificial Flavors

For The Harm Of Artificial Flavors
For The Harm Of Artificial Flavors

As exaggerated as it may sound, today we live in an artificial world - artificial food, clothes made of artificial materials, an artificial substitute has been found for everything.

When it comes to food, this reality is starting to sound scary. What enters our body determines what our life will be like. And he doesn't look so healthy at all artificial flavors, sweeteners, flavors and colors.

The truth is that there are more than three thousand artificial flavorswhich are put in every food bought and consumed by us. It is best to look for and eat foods that are not sold with labels with their content, ie natural products.

And because this is difficult, we can present the most harmful to avoid at least them.

Artificial sweeteners

artificial sweeteners
artificial sweeteners

Sweeteners are actively present in foods with the belief that they are low in calories and help regulate weight. This is not true. The sweet taste increases the appetite. Despite the low calorie content, the weight will increase, but in a different way, through increased portions of food. Separately, these sweeteners have a negative effect on health.

The most famous of the sweeteners is aspartame. It is found in carbonated beverages, milk, dairy products and sweets. It directly attacks brain cells, creating a toxic environment. It has an unhealthy effect on the digestive system, causing inflammation of the intestines.

Artificial trans fats

These trans fats are found in hydrogenated vegetable fats. Inflammation caused in the body is considered to be the cause of chronic and incurable diseases of the digestive system, autoimmune diseases.

They are a favorable environment for the development of cancer cells, sabotage the immune system, which fails to cope with the problems in the body.

Artificial flavors

foods with artificial flavors
foods with artificial flavors

Flavors that are added to food are an unnecessary and even unnatural additive. They are carriers of all kinds of chemicals. About 50 chemicals are added to the strawberry flavor. The artificial flavoring in the oil attacks brain cells and causes Alzheimer's.

Monosodium glutamate

We will find this supplement in processed foods such as frozen foods, salad dressings, Chinese foods and more. It kills cells, especially the brain. Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, brain damage are the result of such exposure.

Artificial colors

Dyes improve the appearance of food at a particularly high price - allergies, hyperactivity, and even cancer. Blue and red paint are the most harmful.
