Serious Decline In Sales Of Bacon And Sausage Worldwide

Serious Decline In Sales Of Bacon And Sausage Worldwide
Serious Decline In Sales Of Bacon And Sausage Worldwide

The last 2 weeks on the world market have seen a serious decline in sales of bacon and sausage. Weak demand is due to the WHO study, in which experts warned that meat delicacies increase the risk of cancer.

So far, supermarkets have lost £ 3 million due to low sales, according to a study by the Daily Telegraph. The report of the World Health Organization has made people think about their diet and add more and more healthy products to their menu.

Analyzes by the Retail Advantage agency in the UK show that so far the demand for bacon is lower by 17%. When asked why they no longer buy it, consumers said they were worried about its carcinogenic properties.

Bacon sales worldwide continue to decline, with demand expected to fall another 16.5% in the coming weeks.

Sausage sales have fallen by 15.6% so far, and in the last week of October alone, retailers registered 13.9% fewer sausages sold.

Serious decline in sales of bacon and sausage worldwide
Serious decline in sales of bacon and sausage worldwide

It turns out that sausages also tend to be in low demand, and in the coming weeks it will decrease by another 10%.

The most affected are the groceries for meat delicacies, where the trade revolves only around the sale of meat and meat preparations.

Traders believe that fresh meat products should not be classified as possible causes of infectious diseases and insist that they be distinguished from traders who add various enhancers and colors to meat.

About a month ago, experts from the World Health Organization put sausages and bacon in the black list of foods that predispose people to cancer.

These were the first two products in the future Encyclopedia of Carcinogens, which the organization intends to publish.
