Participant In Master Chef: Do Not Buy Pasta From Stores, It Causes Cancer

Participant In Master Chef: Do Not Buy Pasta From Stores, It Causes Cancer
Participant In Master Chef: Do Not Buy Pasta From Stores, It Causes Cancer

Mariela Nordel, who became famous for her participation in the culinary show Master Chef, announced a shocking revelation. The lady shared horrifying information about the food products that are full not only of foreign retail chains, but also those in our country.

Nordel warns that during an inspection, experts from the European Union found in pasta, spaghetti and many other types of pasta a large amount of a substance that makes them very dangerous for consumers.

In her personal profile on social networks, Mariela explains that she got this information thanks to her husband, who is a meat producer in the Netherlands, and his businesses are periodically inspected by employees of the Food Safety Agency there.

Mariela Nordel
Mariela Nordel

Photo: Masterchef

Every year, he and his colleagues receive a report on researched goods and product groups in different countries of the European Union. This year they have studied the pasta in Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Germany and the Netherlands - the countries are selected at random, Mariela writes on social media and added that samples are taken from various brands that can be found in all kinds of grocery stores..

According to her, the results of the research have shown that in the products with Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, German, Dutch production the ingredient MOSH is present in large quantities, which is associated with the appearance of cancer.


The report was submitted to their agency this morning with a recommendation to notify the government and take action, Nordel wrote, urging people not to consume kupeshka paste so as not to harm their health.
