BFSA: Buy Fish Only From Stores

BFSA: Buy Fish Only From Stores
BFSA: Buy Fish Only From Stores

A few days before St. Nicholas Day, inspectors from the Food Safety Agency advised consumers to buy fish for the holiday only from regulated stores.

The experts from the Agency unite around the opinion that the buyers in our country should avoid the unregulated traders, who will attract them with fish at lower prices around the holiday.

Experts also advise that before buying a fish, you should take a good look at its appearance. Quality and fresh fish must have a clean surface and no injuries.

The scales of the fish must be smooth and shiny and must not give off an unpleasant odor.

With the approaching St. Nicholas Day and the increased supply of fish on the market, the two control bodies - BFSA and NAFA, have joined forces in the inspections of sites offering fish and fish products, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food announced.

Stuffed carp
Stuffed carp

The goal of both organizations is to stop the sale of fish of unknown origin, which can be dangerous for consumption.

During their inspections, the inspection bodies shall monitor whether the fish have a document of origin, whether they are stored under appropriate conditions, whether they have a label and a description of the shelf life and what is the hygiene of the commercial establishment.

Mass inspections of the BFSA and NAFA are already underway throughout the country. In case of established violation, the trader will be fined from BGN 500 to BGN 10,000.

The price of carp at the moment starts from 6 and reaches 8 levs per kilogram. But as St. Nicholas Day approaches, fish will become cheaper, traders predict.

For the convenience of the hosts, ready-made fish will be offered on the market, but in this case customers should be ready to count about 20 levs for carp, News7 reports.

The carp for St. Nicholas Day will cost you about 30 leva, if you order it with home delivery. In order to attract customers, some of the restaurants will offer a bottle of wine or beer as a gift to the order.

In addition to the traditional carp, trout and silver carp are also expected to be bought for the holiday, which are sold at lower prices.
