What Is Russian Cuisine Famous For?

What Is Russian Cuisine Famous For?
What Is Russian Cuisine Famous For?

The diversity of Russian cuisine is due to the fact that Russia is a multicultural and multinational country. It is based on ordinary Slavic dishes, later diversified by the aristocratic attraction to Western European culinary culture.

In its centuries-long history, the Russian people have created a huge number of culinary recipes. For centuries Russian cuisine has been undeservedly neglected.

Rye, wheat, barley, oats, and millet have been grown in Russia since ancient times. This people have long mastered the art of making fine flour and have revealed the secrets of yeast dough pastries.

Russian traditional foods
Russian traditional foods

It is for these reasons that in Russian cuisine the main place is occupied by a variety of pies, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, dumplings and more.

One of the most ancient Russian dishes - these are pancakes. No one knows when they appeared on the Russian table, but it is known that they were a ritual dish for the pagan Slavic peoples.

Various beliefs and traditions are associated with pancakes. They were a mandatory dish for funerals, and at the same time they fed the mother during childbirth. One of the preserved traditions related to pancakes is Maslenitsa.

Russian Pancakes
Russian Pancakes

For a whole week before Lent, pancakes are baked in every Russian home and eaten with various appetizers - with caviar, cream, fish, meat, mushrooms.

No less common are the dishes of legumes: various porridges, casserole, oatmeal pancakes and pickles, peas and lentils. In fact, one of the most important dishes of Russian cuisine is porridge.

Initially, it was a ritual, solemn dish, which was present only on holidays and celebrations. In the 17th century, the word "porridge" was synonymous with "feast." Having later lost its ritual significance, porridge became an everyday dish for the Russians.


Fish is also an important product in Russian cuisine. Russian salmon is world-famous, as well as Russian black and red caviar, with sturgeon caviar from the Caspian Sea being considered the best.

In addition to these delicacies, the Russians like to eat carp, which is prepared differently in each part of the country - baked carp in Moscow - with cream sauce; in Russian - with white sauce; carp with buckwheat, etc.

See also some recipes for great Russian dishes: Russian apple souffle, Russian red pancakes, Russian veal and buckwheat porridge, Russian biscuit candies, Russian biscuits with honey and cinnamon, Russian carrot pie with almonds, Easy Russian cake with chocolate and kisses.
