Asking For Breakfast Is A Hit In The Modern Diet

Asking For Breakfast Is A Hit In The Modern Diet
Asking For Breakfast Is A Hit In The Modern Diet

A pile I ask for the first meal of the day is the latest hit among all those who want to eat healthily, write on its pages Vogue magazine and the site Popshuger. If I ask, she doesn't tell you anything, then perhaps her other name, dragon fruit, will sound more familiar to you.

The fruit has a very interesting appearance - its flesh may be white or reddish in color. The pita is extremely juicy and moderately sweet - inside there are many small black seeds. In addition to its attractive appearance, the dragon fruit also has many useful ingredients.

It is rich in antioxidants and fiber, contains a large amount of magnesium, calcium and last but not least - vitamin C. These small black seeds, which are found in the fleshy part of the fruit, are extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids. All these essential ingredients make dragon fruit ideal for boosting the immune system.

The interesting fruit can also be used to fight overweight, the site Popshuger also informs us. In addition, fattening can reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Its strange appearance makes various associations in our head about what it tastes like. In fact, it can be said that the dragon fruit is something between a pear and a kiwi.

But let's go back to the recently rumored healthy breakfast with pita. To make it at home, you only need a few ingredients - first, the dragon fruit, followed by unsweetened almond milk and a handful of frozen fruit.


The fruits can be whatever you and your family prefer - blueberries, raspberries and more. The dragon fruit can also be bought in our country - in the west they even sell ready-made packets of fruit smoothies. The good thing about the exotic fruit is that it can be combined not only with the products listed above.

If you want to get more fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, add to ask whose seeds. If you prefer, replace them with sunflower seeds or almonds. Of course, fresh fruits can be added to the fruit - mango, kiwi and others.
