

The famous / Chenopodium bonus-henricus L. / is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows in grassy places in the mountains. It can often be seen near bushes, in uncultivated fields and pastures.

It is distributed throughout the country from 800 to 2000 meters above sea level. It is found all over Europe, except the southwestern and some of the southeastern parts. In our country the chuven has other names - wild spinach, wild quinoa, Wallachian spinach.

The famous has a thick many-headed root, 20 to 80 cm tall stem, which is erect and simple. In rare cases, the stem is pyramidally branched from the base. The leaves are consistent, large and grassy green. They can have a lanceolate-arrow-shaped to triangular shape. The flowers of Chuvena are numerous and greenish, gathered in panicle inflorescences on the tops of the stems. The fruit is a flattened nut, and the seed is spherical and shiny. Chuven blooms in May-August.

Composition of famous

The roots of famous contain glycosides, saponins, flavonoids, resins, mucous substances. The saponin substance contained in chuvena is called henopodin. Flavonoids are about 10%. The plant also contains histamine, caffeic and ferulic acid.

Collection and storage of chuven

The usable part of the plant is its roots. They are taken out very early in spring - March or in autumn. After the seeds ripen in August-October, the roots are cleaned and washed.

The thicker ones are split lengthwise, into pieces up to 10 cm. They are dried in the shade. Properly dried roots should have a dark gray color, characteristic odor and astringent-bland taste. Chuven can be bought from herbal shops, its price is around BGN.

Famous in cooking

The most famous application of famous is for making delicious tahini halva. If you are afraid to make your own, the recipe is as follows:

Famous, wild spinach
Famous, wild spinach

Necessary products: 2 kg sugar, 2 kg sesame tahini, 500 g glucose, 1 g citric acid, 150 g liquid famous.

Method of preparation: to prepare a liquid famous, boil its roots for two and a half hours, then strain the decoction. Mix the sugar with water until you get a syrup that boils until bubbles burst. Mix the syrup with the glucose and when they boil, pour them into another container in the already boiling liquid pot. Boil the mixture until when you drop a drop of it in cold water, a ball forms, which crumbles. Then pour very slowly and with constant stirring into a bowl with sesame tahini. The resulting mixture is poured into molds lined with parchment paper and allowed to cool.

Benefits of famous

The herb has expectorant and very good anti-inflammatory effect. It is mainly used for external use, for skin injuries and boils. Chuven has a laxative and blood-cleansing effect.

The famous used in hemorrhoids, constipation, syphilis, kidney stones. For internal use, boil 1 tsp. roots in 500 ml of water for about 10 minutes. Strain the resulting decoction and drink 50 ml three times daily before meals. This decoction is very useful for people suffering from hemorrhoids. You can also use the liquid for external use. To do this, after it cools and strains, you need to apply it with gauze or a sterile cotton swab on the desired area.

Against constipation, prepare a cold extract of 2 tbsp. famous, flooded with 250 g of cold water. Leave to stand for 4 hours. Drink the extract in the morning on an empty stomach. According to the effect obtained, the herb is taken as many times as necessary to normalize digestion. You can drink famous as an ordinary herbal tea, slightly sweetened with honey.
