Spinach, Fish And Olive Oil Cleanse The Arteries

Spinach, Fish And Olive Oil Cleanse The Arteries
Spinach, Fish And Olive Oil Cleanse The Arteries

Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen and other valuable substances to the heart and the rest of your body. They reach both the brain and the tips of your toes. Healthy arteries are flexible, strong, elastic and clean.

There are no accumulations in them that would interfere with blood circulation. But with age, fat deposits, cholesterol, cellular residues begin to form on the inner wall of blood vessels. This arterial plaque can disrupt blood circulation in the body.

Thus, as deposits increase, so does the likelihood of a condition called atherosclerosis. This leads to narrowing and hardening of the arteries.

White fish and Omega 3
White fish and Omega 3

Lumps in the arteries of various parts of the body can lead to a number of painful conditions defined by medicine as reduced blood supply to the legs or other limbs due to blockage of peripheral arteries, angina (chest pain), heart disease or heart attack due to blockage. of the coronary artery and seizures due to blockage of the carotid artery that supplies oxygen to the brain.

The main cause of clogged arteries is associated with the consumption of many processed foods to which saturated fats, chemicals and toxins are added.

Still, the good news is that there are many foods that cleanse the arteries. So, if you are experiencing difficulty breathing or chest pain, you should focus on the products below.

Spinach, fish and olive oil are the three top foods that experts say have the most tangible effect in cleansing blood vessels.

Olives and Olive Oil
Olives and Olive Oil

For example, spinach is rich in lutein - a plant carotenoid that not only prevents the appearance of age spots on the skin, but also reduces the risk of heart attack, as it cleanses the arterial walls from the accumulation of cholesterol. In addition, spinach is rich in potassium and folic acid, two substances that protect against high blood pressure.

As for fish - oily salmon and tuna are a valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have a preventive effect against the formation of blockages.

Omega-3 also protects against the harmful effects of cholesterol. A study by researchers at the University of Southampton found that omega-3 fats stop the build up of fat in the arteries.

Other studies have found that the molecules of the so-called. bad cholesterol mixed with monounsaturated fats contained in olive oil become less vulnerable to oxidation.

And as is known, only oxidized cholesterol has the ability to stick to the inner walls of the artery and form plaque.
