Why Is It Good To Replace Oil With Olive Oil?

Why Is It Good To Replace Oil With Olive Oil?
Why Is It Good To Replace Oil With Olive Oil?

Increasingly, nutritionists and all other health professionals recommend that we stop using oil and replace it entirely with olive oil. Unfortunately, the price of olive oil is much higher than that of ordinary oil, and for this purpose we need to find out if this is really necessary.

And even if we consider that we can buy olive oil instead of oil, how to find out which olive oil is the best and in general what kind it is used for.

That is why here we have selected some irrefutable facts about olive oil, as well as brief information on how to find out which olive oil to use for what purpose:

- Unlike sunflower oil, like all other refined fats, olive oil increases good cholesterol at the expense of bad, thus being very useful for supporting the heart;

- Olive oil is recommended by all nutritionists for seasoning salads. In addition, it has been proven that if women take 1 tbsp. olive oil per day, but limit the maximum intake of other fats, will reduce the risk of breast cancer;


- Olive oil contains a substance known as olercanthal, which helps to limit inflammatory processes in the human body and helps to dull pain. For this reason, in addition to internal use, it is good to massage the body;

- The olive oil is recommended by all doctors to lower the level of blood pressure, as it dilates the arteries and makes them more flexible;

- Among the many healing properties of olive oil are the purification of the gallbladder, its beneficial effects in gastritis and ulcers and overall improvement of the stomach. It also strengthens the bone system;

- If you consume 2 tablespoons of olive oil a day you will seriously reduce the risk of ischemic disease;

- Apart from everything said so far, olive oil is also used for cosmetic purposes. You can apply it on your cracked hands and see an immediate result or even make a hair mask with it;

Olive oil extra virgin
Olive oil extra virgin

- If what has been said so far has convinced you to turn to olive oil, but you are wondering what olive oil to use, it is good to know that the best quality is Extra Virgin olive oil, which is obtained only by cold pressing and is most suitable for seasoning. of salads.

Olive oil is a mixture between Extra Virgin and usually refined oil and is suitable mostly for cooking, and the lowest grade is Pomas, which you can use for frying.
