Why Bio- Has Become Synonymous With Real Food

Why Bio- Has Become Synonymous With Real Food
Why Bio- Has Become Synonymous With Real Food

Organic food in our country is already popular enough, but not so widely used, probably because of its high prices. Their "reputation" is skyrocketing and their demand is increasing significantly. The information we have from television, the Internet, radio, the press - everywhere they convince us and teach us what is harmful and what is useful.

In recent years, bio-mania has skyrocketed. It was the result of other primary factors - constantly and not without reason there is talk of harmful gases, the creation of cars that do not emit harmful emissions, the cessation of smoking, which leads to many terrible consequences and others. In general, in each area the search for the environmentally friendly, the ecologically clean, the one that will provide us with more health and a cleaner life is more and more tangible.

In fact, if a person wants to be healthy, he should do and not do many things, one of which is to eat well without overweight and prefer good food. But what is the definition of good food? It is undoubtedly real, ie environmentally friendly or in other words - without any pesticides, preservatives and other ingredients.

Does this mean that the real, good, wholesome food is organic food? And isn't this really a publicity stunt and a very good attempt to sell us goods that are the same, but with "organic" labels, while we think we are eating naturally.

Vegetables and fruits
Vegetables and fruits

If you really want to eat clean food, it would be best if you have relatives in the village to grow it - in this case you are convinced where the food comes from and what is or is not in it.

But organic foods should not be underestimated - they contain ecologically pure ingredients, any substitution with GMOs is prohibited, they do not have any synthetic substances. These are some environmentally friendly and organic productswhich can be called real food compared to everything else that is served on the market.

There are no regulators, dyes, ingredients that cause faster growth. Even if the animals get sick, they are treated with homeopathic remedies so that various chemicals are not introduced into their body, which will then certainly affect the production.
