Why Leeks Are A Real Gift From Nature

Why Leeks Are A Real Gift From Nature
Why Leeks Are A Real Gift From Nature

Leek is a vegetable with a very beneficial effect on our body. It contains proteins, nitrogenous substances, carbohydrates, enzymes, almost all B vitamins.

However, its most valuable quality is its potassium content and at the same time extremely low sodium content. It contains as many as 18 amino acids, including one of the most valuable for the body - cystine. Leek is rich in mineral salts, iron, phosphorus.

Leek also has healing properties that have been known since ancient times. Then it was used mainly in the treatment of colds.

In folk medicine it is known for its diuretic abilities. Stimulates kidney function and helps excrete water from the body. Due to this quality and due to its relatively low caloric content, it is recommended against obesity.

It is also recommended for people with kidney disease and against kidney stones. It stimulates intestinal peristalsis and has a laxative effect. It has an antiseptic effect and helps with intestinal infections.

The low sugar content makes leeks suitable for diabetics. It is completely free of fat. It has a strong antibacterial effect.

Due to its content of folic acid, it is also recommended for pregnant women.

It is recommended prophylactically against atherosclerosis.

Helps in the treatment of colds, where it is consumed three times a day for a good and quick effect.
