What Can We Find In Organic Stores?

What Can We Find In Organic Stores?
What Can We Find In Organic Stores?

IN organic stores you can find all those products that we find in ordinary conventional stores, but in an organic version.

If you see a bio mark on a product, it means that it is produced in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance 2092/91 of the EC on organic farming.

According to the basic principles of organic products, the use of chemically synthetic and easily soluble mineral fertilizers is prohibited. The use of genetic technologies in any form is prohibited.

Organic foods are developed with a reduced number of allowed added substances. The animals are kept humanely, with enough space, light and fresh air. It is also forbidden to routinely add drugs to the feed without an urgent disease.

Organic foods have many advantages. They do not contain or are extremely low in dangerous added substances. Organic products contain more nutrients because they are processed appropriately.

The taste of most products is significantly better, which makes them preferred among master chefs. Most consumers believe that organic foods have better vital signs than conventional ones.


Organic stores also allow people with different diets (such as vegetarians, raw foodists, people allergic to gluten, eggs or milk) to find everything they need for a varied and environmentally friendly diet.

In the so-called "Biomarkets" can be found in addition to food, as well as cosmetics, detergents, detergents and detergents, even eco-cotton clothes, diapers and sanitary napkins.

Recent research shows that more and more people around the world prefer to consume organic foods. Maybe the reason lies in the better taste, the origin of the food - organic farms do not use unnecessary chemicals.

Therefore, dietary supplements, which often cause asthma and heart disease, are banned in organic farming. Organic products are grown in nature-friendly conditions.
