Fake Butter Is Pushed Into Our Stores

Fake Butter Is Pushed Into Our Stores
Fake Butter Is Pushed Into Our Stores

Despite the increasing quality standards of food products and the strict regulations for the content of the packaging of each item, counterfeit food products are regularly detected in local stores. Or more precisely - you pay for something quality, and you receive a product with false content and questionable composition.

Another such case was found during an inspection in a commercial network by inspectors at the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency.

The inspectors found unregulated use of vegetable fats in cow's oil, after 2 samples were taken from a commercial network from two batches of cow oil "Niya-Classic", produced by "Milpak" Ltd. Dryanovo.

After sampling, laboratory tests were carried out and it was found that the product, which is offered as butter of purely animal origin, is in fact a mixture of milk and vegetable fat and is not indicated on the packaging.

Samples were taken from the same lots at the counterfeit fat factory and it was also found that the butter was a mixture of milk and vegetable fat.

As a result, all quantities of the specific butter are banned for sale. An Act for establishing an administrative violation for the established discrepancies has been drawn up for the producer and the production of cow butter has been temporarily suspended.
