The Tomato - The Apple Of Love

The Tomato - The Apple Of Love
The Tomato - The Apple Of Love

Since childhood, we admire the bright color and wonderful taste of tomatoes.

They improve our mood because they contain serotonin - the hormone of happiness.

But vegetables have not always been respected. An 18th-century gardening manual states, "The fruit is extremely dangerous because those who eat it are driven mad."

The homeland of tomatoes is Peru. From there he was transferred to Europe.

It is known that in 1776 there was an attempt to poison the first President of the United States George Washington with the help of a tomato dish prepared by James Bestley by order of the commander of the British Royal Forces. But Washington not only didn't mind the dish, it even liked the taste.

The French call tomatoes the "apple of love", probably because of their heart-like shape and color. For a long time they grew vegetables as an ornamental plant.


Tomatoes were brought to Russia in the second half of the 18th century. And there they were also raised for beauty. And even overseas plants were treated with great care and precision. The Russians called the plant "crazy strawberries" and "fruits of sin."

The Italians were the first to start canning tomatoes. Their example was followed by the Americans, who invented ketchup in 1830.

Tomatoes are called fruits and vegetables. They are invaluable stores of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, P, PP, C, E, and other nutrients. They contain pectin, nitrogenous substances, acid (ascorbic, citric, tartaric), carotene riboflavin, potassium, iron, magnesium and zinc.

Doctors recommend tomatoes in all variants - roasted or cooked. They are extremely useful for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Daily consumption of fresh tomatoes or tomato juice helps reduce high blood pressure and blood cholesterol.

Traditional medicine also recommends tomatoes for fatigue and depression.
